Weight Loss Stories – Elsa Ward Lost 114 Pounds

Name: Elsa Ward
Age: 38
Family Status: Married
Occupation: Caretaker
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Height: 5’5″
Starting Weight: 234 pounds
Current Weight: 120 pounds
Current Waist Size: 23″

Elsa’s Weight Loss Stories!

I lost a total of 114 pounds and 23 inches off my waistline! I went from a size 16/18 (or 3XL) down to a size extra small during my on-season and a size small during my off-season.

I became very unhappy when my mother passed away in December of 2012. I wasn’t overweight as a child. I was always slim growing up, but when I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer and had to care for my adult sister with cerebral palsy and epilepsy, my life changed and I lost my way. I began drinking and found out I had diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I was on the verge of heart disease. Throughout all the stress, I suffered a mild stroke. I knew I had to make a change, so I began my journey!

I wanted to live and I knew I had people who depended on me. I had allowed my life to become unmanageable. My weight was 234 pounds with a 46 inch waistline and a 42 inch back. Buying clothes was the last thing I wanted to do. Feelings of being sexy, happy and comfortable with my husband were not in my thoughts, even though he told me he loved me regardless. I was determined to create habit-forming techniques to become successful in this journey, so every day I would ask myself “why not you?” and that has become my slogan today (#whynotyou).
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I stopped drinking alcohol and I also learned to change my mindset. Once you have your mind under control, the rest falls in place. I also developed clean eating skills because it’s very important to feed the body proper nutrition. The body is our best machine and we need to take care of it! We take care of our cars, homes and smart phones. We must feed and care for our vessels in which we live every day with extraordinary care.
What was the most challenging thing you had to deal with during your weight loss journey?
This journey was one of the hardest things I have ever committed to and completed. Sticking to the diet was very hard. I wasn’t a candy or cookie eater, but I loved my carbs! Learning to measure food and learning the difference between good and bad foods all while providing 24 hour care to my sister and my family needs were very tough. The stroke left my left side a little weaker than my right side, so in the beginning, the workouts were very hard. I was determined to stay in the game because slow motion beats no motion! I just took a little longer than others but I did not quit!
My journey has taken 2.5 years. The first process, in which I call the 3 phases, is you must first create a positive mindset and have willpower along with keeping a journal of your plan which is a great tool for positive habit-forming. The second phase is to kill the fat (#iamteamkillthefat). Learn to eat clean and research nutrition. Make sure to push through and don’t quit! Just go slow, and if you fall, just stand back up! The third phase is to love the skin you live in! Results will come as long as you stay in the game. I’m still working towards a higher goal to improve my patience and be more humble. Consistency will get you there! I work on this on a daily basis. It’s important to find your strength because it lives inside you.
It has taken almost 3 years and I’m still reaching for the stars! After losing the weight, I competed in my first OCB professional fitness show on December 3, 2016 and placed 3rd, 4th and 5th in the bikini category! I have been featured on the OCB’s official website and became a sponsored athlete. I will also be published in SwagHer Magazine in a 2017 issue. It’s really never been about me, I just want people to know that second chances are real as long as you don’t give up on yourself!
Did you have any issues with loose skin after losing the weight? If so, how did you deal with it?
I had loose skin around my stomach area. I drink a lot of water (about 2 gallons a day). I began my journey with Body By Maria located in Richmond, Virginia. Her “Eat Clean” class helped me develop the skills in my weight loss journey. As I transitioned into competing in contests, I trained at the 11:11 Body Sculpting gym with my trainer Zoe who developed a proper and balanced diet to address my body’s needs. If you are unfamiliar with this process, get help from a licensed trainer and nutritionist to help you meet your goals.

I am currently maintaining my weight and building muscle now. I’m focused on competing in a couple of OCB shows this year and I’m just continuing and repeating the process of eating clean, exercising regularly and having a clear mind.
I love the skin I live in! I love to work out and I finally feel free of being overweight.
My life has become so much more fulfilling! Watching my family get involved has been very rewarding and knowing that I’m inspiring other people is the best feeling in the world.
Advice for others who are trying to lose weight?
My advice is simple, why not you? It’s the only question️ you need to ask yourself!

Elsa’s Weight Loss Tips!

Change your mind. Seek out resources, get involved and get information about eating clean. Also, drink lots of water! Plan your workouts and keep a journal of your exercise routine 3-4 times a week. Find people who are looking for the same thing you are. Get together and learn from each other. Repeat the process! Habit forming techniques will make you successful.
Elsa’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!

Eat for breakfast: Oatmeal, 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 cup of berries and 2 slices of Ezekiel bread.
Eat for lunch: Lean meat with red peppers, onions, red potatoes and other organic vegetables.
Eat for dinner: Lean meat with a sweet potato or rice and organic vegetables.
Eat for snacks: Rice cakes, berries, vegetables, fruit, and salads.
I take a multivitamin and fish oil of nutritional supplements.
Elsa’s Weight Loss Workouts!
I like doing machines. I mix it up with heavy lifting and low reps along with light weight and high reps. I do arms, abs, legs, back, shoulders, etc. I enjoy running, hiking trails, biking and taking different exercise classes.

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